
The 'fair tax' and 'fool me once'

Our governor is proposing to change the Illinois constitution and eliminate the current flat tax with a progressive tax plan. When you turn on the TV, the "Fair Tax" ad says that 97 percent won't see their taxes increase, with only people earning over $250,000 taxed higher.

The TV ad points to surrounding states having a progressive tax structure, but this TV commercial (Think Big) is dubious.

History shows Illinois politicians favor tax hikes over spending reform, and the initial progressive rates on income will change as politicians need more revenue to plug holes in unrealistic state budgets. When the Illinois Tollway was originally created in 1953, Illinois politicians used temporary tax revenue to pay for original bonds needed to build highways. The governor holding office at that time later stated, "Our idea was, at the end of 40 years, when the bonds were paid off, then the tolls would come off." Money poured into the tollway with the original bonds paid off in full by the early 1980s, but the toll at 40 cents continued and today the toll is 80 cents.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Will we be fooled again with a "fair tax" that 97 percent won't see higher taxes and falsely believing that these progressive rates will be fixed as the flat tax is per our Illinois Constitution?

Robert Meale

Crystal Lake

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