
Mueller should hasten to release report

With the Midterms over, I'm very nervous about what's in store for the country with Trump realizing his days could be numbered. With his new attorney general, I'm concerned the Mueller Investigation may never see the light of day.

I had an idea of a way to "out- Trump" Trump and make him accountable and really feel some pain.

Before Trump can quash the Mueller report with a lame duck Congress. What if Mueller released the report right now so America can see what he has on Trump and his associates? Simultaneously release it to Congress and the press, so all the information out there to be seen.

Also provide an executive summary that has lists of things in categories for easy understanding like "impeachable offenses," "criminal offenses with jail time" (like tax fraud and other business/white collar crimes) or "illegal government activities" (that enriched Trump or his family).

Have the crimes separated as "presidential crimes" and "personal criminal charges" to show the scope of his operations. Also have list of indictments to be issued and the people that will get them and why. And issue the indictments now.

When appropriate issue indictments especially to Trump's kids. Let him know this is hardball and he's not fooling around.

Since impeachment makes everyone in Congress a "juror," have a notice on record that any communication or threat in any form (tweet/conversation, email, memo or directive) with a senator or representative would be considered jury tampering and will be prosecuted.

If all the "high crimes and misdemeanors" are known to the public, it would be understandable and apparent why Trump wants the report squashed and validate a reason for a charge of obstruction of justice as logical and obvious.

Jim Gustafson


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