
At least now we're at rock bottom

While I have been a lifelong Republican and staunch fiscal conservative, I do in one way welcome the election of J.B. Pritzker as governor of Illinois. I feel another Rauner term would have been four more years of the same gridlocked, budgetless, directionless wandering. Like the functional alcoholic Illinois "gets by."

Having not yet hit rock bottom, Illinois ignores the warning signs, disregards the advice of friends and family and continues to spiral downward until one day rock bottom will inevitably arrive. I believe that Gov. Pritzker will be largely involved in Illinois hitting rock bottom. His aggressive tax policies, which will target the wealthy, the job-creators and Illinois homeowners, will hasten the demise of this once (long ago) sound state.

Those few of us who cannot or will not leave Illinois (as thousands already have) are in store for one heck of a "wrap" party.

Martin Dettmer


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