
What's really behind the caravan?

The waves of humanity marching in lock step from Honduras happened spontaneously? If you believe it, "I got some ocean front property in Arizona, if you'll buy that, I'll throw the golden gate in free."

These people packed their lunch and started walking over 1,200 miles to the USA border without advance lodging reservations. Probably no money in their pockets and water to last one-day. Some are thumbing their way by hitching a ride on anything having wheels, motorized and heading north to USA border. On their way, some "generous people," unknown to them, are giving them water, food and money.

Each day more people are joining this "caravan" of migrants walking to the USA border with some reported in the media as prior migrants deported more than once on trying to enter the USA. The Wall Street Journal likens this "caravan" to 1980 when Fidel Castro temporarily lifted his Havana Curtain and boats of every size sailed to the USA. Castro saw to it that criminals and the mentally ill also climbed aboard these boats.

The reality is that bowing to this migration "blackmail" will damage the cause of legal immigration and a humane refugee policy. Think of Germany's Angela Merkel and the 2015 flood of Middle Eastern migrants.

Robert Meale

Crystal Lake

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