
Kolssak: Wheeling needs new trustees; you could be the answer

I failed to get the required 745 signatures to get the recall of (Village President) Pat Horcher on the ballot.

As I gathered signatures, many were afraid their garbage wouldn't get picked up, that their streets wouldn't get plowed or they'd get a surprise inspection or citation.

Business owners with new projects felt the board would reject or obstruct them for signing.

We should not be afraid of our local government as we pay their recently self-increased salaries. The fact is, not one single elected official felt compelled to investigate anything. To me, this makes every elected official in Wheeling complicit in protecting Mr. Horcher.

He may be the only one without fear in Wheeling.

Long-term residents have heard about permit-less structures, unlicensed businesses and code violations on the Horcher farm for years, yet no one has made a challenge. No member of the board has directed the village manager to inspect the farm property to date. Incredible!

Buildings built without permits should be fined, inspected and brought to code. Businesses without licenses should be dealt with and all code violations need to be rectified. Wheeling's rules and regulations should be enforced equally.

The county tax assessor should take care of the tax implications.

I enthusiastically encourage Wheeling residents to run for the village board. Petitions are circulating now, you only need a little over 100 people to sign and be at least 18 years of age to get on the ballot. One doesn't have to be experienced or even well spoken.

Wheeling needs fresh faces who care.

I would be happy to help any aspiring trustee through the process of getting on the ballot. I think the whole town would.

Signatures are due Dec. 17. This town is begging for a change and YOU may be the answer.

David Kolssak


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