
New novel: 'The Swamp Fights Back'

I have plans to write my first book that could be one of the best fiction novels ever written. A womanizing, boorish real estate magnate from New York runs for president of the United States against a sure shoo-in candidate from the establishment and against all odds on election he pulls the biggest upset in American history.

Meanwhile the Fourth Estate and Deep State vow to go to work and devise a sinister plot to prevent him from keeping the presidency after their failed attempts to fix elections in favor of their candidate. They devise a scheme to be run through the intelligence and Department of Justice agencies in cooperation with the media outlets. For months on end, the attacks are relentless. They obtain secret warrants by providing fake intelligence documents and false claims to the courts and begin the plan to get their "Man."

But as it turns out, the president-elect fights back, leaks come out that the previous administration was up to shady acts of business that would get any regular citizen a long vacation in the Hotel Graybar with three hots and a cot. And as more questions are asked of the Swamp Monster, the more they fight and more they try to take down the president and the people around him.

With each passing week, the level of intensity is turned up. They try to twist his words or catch him on every possible issue and event they can. Their hired gunman, aka special prosecutor, and his deputies with their dubious records, histories and motives attempt to find some crime(s) to bring him down. Wow. All I need is an ending for this novel and I bet I can get big bucks from the book companies and even a movie deal.

Tony Atkins


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