
Many work hard to learn English

The Elgin letter writer who singles out Latinos as unwilling to learn English may not realize organizations offering free English classes and one-on-one tutors have long waiting lists of eager learners of all ethnicities seeking help in improving their English language skills. There are not enough tutors to serve our communities.

Those most in need of learning English are not lazy. Learners waiting for a tutor or wanting to enroll in a free English class are earnest and motivated people who often are working at minimum-wage jobs and struggling to make ends meet, lack child care and transportation and yet make every effort to work toward English literacy. Having a tutor can be life-changing for the hopeful learner.

I urge the letter writer to check with local English literacy organizations and her public library to learn about ESL programs looking for volunteers and offering training. Becoming an English literacy volunteer is a rewarding endeavor and helps raise up your community and country.

Jane Cox


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