
Some Island Lake trustees want to fire technology specialist to save money

Island Lake trustees are squabbling about whether the village's information technology specialist should continue serving in that role.

George Muligano has been the village's full-time technology chief, a post that comes with a $70,000 annual salary and benefits, since June. He previously had worked part time for the village.

Trustees Sandy Doehler, Mark Beeson and John Burke want to dismiss Muligano as a cost-savings move. Hiring a private firm to oversee the village's computer systems could save taxpayers at least $45,000 annually, Doehler said.

"We've had three separate quotes to that effect," Doehler said.

Beeson insists a village as small as Island Lake doesn't need a full-time employee to manage its computer systems. Any savings that result from outsourcing could be used to buy new servers, printers or other computer equipment, he said.

On the other side of the argument, Trustee Harold England said dumping Muligano would be a mistake.

"He is an asset to the village," England said. "He is a hardworking employee."

Additionally, outsourcing only would cost less if the company provided the "bare minimum" of services, England said.

Doehler alleges Muligano's regular reports to the village board indicate he's doing work unrelated to technology management.

Muligano acknowledged only about 30 percent of his job is dedicated to technology management. He said he also does forensic work for the police department and handles other tasks.

He said he doesn't know why Doehler, Beeson and Burke are targeting his job.

"These folks have never spent the time to figure out what I do," he said.

Doehler and Burke voted against making Muligano a full-time employee last year. Beeson wasn't on the board at the time.

The clash over Muligano's employment comes as officials are debating a budget for the 2019 fiscal year, which begins May 1. The proposed spending plan includes, among other things, a 3-percent salary bump for Muligano, Doehler said.

Doehler and Beeson said they and Burke will vote against the budget if it includes funding for a full-time technology specialist.

If trustees split 3-3 on a budget vote, Mayor Charles Amrich would be asked to break the tie.

The village board's finance committee is set to publicly review the budget plan Tuesday night. That meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. at village hall, 3720 Greenleaf Ave.

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