
Let's face it, Chicago Bears' Trubisky won't face Giants

So here is my completely unofficial - to be believed but not trusted - report on the status of quarterback Mitch Trubisky for the Chicago Bears game Sunday against the New York Giants at MetLife Stadium.

Chase Daniel will be the Bears' starter for the second straight week, with Trubisky in street clothes once again.

No, neither coach Matt Nagy nor Trubisky or any other "deep throat" in the Bears' organization is sharing classified information with me, and I cannot confirm this report for you with anybody in a position to know for sure.

But here's all we need to know.

Questioned before practice Thursday on whether Trubisky would be returning to his regular practice routine, Nagy said: "He's going to do exactly what he did yesterday. Nothing's going to change. He's going be limited."

Pressed for details, small ones such as, is Trubisky throwing at all, Nagy replied, "Is he throwing? No."

There is at least one thing that general manager Ryan Pace and Nagy are completely transparent about.

Love ya' some Khalil Mack, Allen Robinson, Eddie Jackson, Tarik Cohen or Akiem Hicks, but Trubisky is believed to be the "franchise."

And if the "franchise" isn't throwing footballs Thursday, he isn't playing in an NFL game Sunday under any circumstances, particularly when you have one of the top five backups in the league you are paying $7 million for situations exactly like this.

You don't want to trust me, someone who isn't allowed to watch practice or speak to the team's medical people?

Well, I certainly can't blame you, but consider what Trubisky himself said Thursday when asked to tell us just exactly what his injury is.

"I can't get into specifics just because that's the advice I've been given, but I'm feeling good," he said. "I'm getting closer every single day. I'm just trying to get ready to get back as soon as possible.

"When that decision is made by the people above, the trainers and docs and everything, then I'll be ready to go. But I'm feeling good, and that's the important thing."

Allow me to translate for those who don't understand "coach-speak" or an NFL player being extremely careful not to say anything that might get him in hot water with the boss.

Trubisky will be back out there when he's told he's ready by Nagy, and there isn't any chance of that happening before the Los Angeles Rams get here a week from Sunday.

Let's check back with the boss for a moment and hear what Nagy had to say when asked if it would be extraordinary for Trubisky to play Sunday if he doesn't practice this week?

"Not extraordinary," he said. "I'll go back to what I said yesterday. For us, we feel like timing-wise with the guys, with where he's at, he's good there.

"It's just the fact that he's not throwing."

The boss feels like Trubisky is good where he's at, not really practicing and definitely not throwing because of pain in his throwing shoulder.

Actually half of that is a dangerous assumption.

From where I sit, Trubisky is definitely not playing Sunday.

But is it because of pain in his shoulder? Or is it because the Bears believe he will be that much better off with an extra week of rest on the "sore shoulder" and ready for a much more important game against the Rams?

From the moment the Trubisky injury was confirmed a week ago Monday, Nagy has said, much like the club did with injuries to Khalil Mack and Allen Robinson, they would error on the side of caution.

Whether those two needed to miss the Buffalo Bills game following the New York Jets game, or whether it was precautionary to have them ready for the Minnesota Vikings is unknown, but we do know it worked out very well.

And as key as they are, they aren't the "franchise."

It says here Trubisky will be a spectator in New Jersey on Sunday for the exact same reasons … we hope.

If the Bears are fibbing about the seriousness of Trubisky's shoulder than they have a much bigger problem, but there's really no reason to believe that from what we've seen and heard so far.

• Hub Arkush, the executive editor of Pro Football Weekly, can be reached at or on Twitter @Hub_Arkush.

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