
Regulation is answer to kneeling issue

This is in response to a letter by Gail E. Rose in the Herald's Nov. 13 edition. The letter spoke of how the NFL has changed over the years. More specifically, how it has become "too political," how it's been altered from a representation of American unity to a time for players to grandstand.

Of Gail's opinion that the NFL has become too political, I must agree. I grew up watching football with my father if we caught a game on. Recent events however, have not been an encouragement to continue keeping up with football.

Regardless of one's rights, there is a time and place for stating or showing one's opinion. And during a game that a player is being paid to play, is not one of them.

Rose's letter illustrated the effect of this quite well. That said, I do believe that she could've covered viable solutions to this rather than focusing on solely the problem.

There are two simple and obvious solutions to the kneeling issue: Stop watching the respective sport or regulate the act of kneeling during our anthem. Gail Rose has taken the former while U.S. soccer and the NBA have opted for the latter.

When it comes down to it, I support the option that prevents kneeling during the anthem. Players have the freedom to express their political views. However, it should not be done during the event that means to honor and pay respect to this country, its history and those who have served in its name.

I agree that the protests aren't designed to disrespect the sacrifices of those who served this country, but regardless of intent, it does.

A simple solution would be to create a regulation regarding such actions. Some sports associations have done so already.

Clayton Tovo


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