
Chanting with the gusto of medieval monks

What illegal guns? Chicago's mayor bemoans the proliferation of what he calls "illegal guns." But, really, aren't these guns nothing more than "undocumented" weapons? Why let a little paperwork separate right from wrong?

When Arizona tried to enforce immigration law by enacting a mirror-image of the federal government's own statutes, the state was castigated by the courts, and told to stay out of Washington's business. But when "sanctuary cities" like Chicago defy the federal government by refusing to cooperate with immigration authorities - by acting, in effect, as sovereign powers - their impertinence is viewed with alacrity by the courts. This judicial double standard, on top of all the other anti-Constitutional decisions by the Supreme Court, will be the death of America as we know it.

E pluribus unum - from many, one. Diversity works well enough if you're a rain forest, but applied to a nation, the result is fragmentation. Without a unifying core value, a culture loses its identity, and loses its way. The "many" must congeal into "one"; otherwise they will break up into warring tribes.

I am neither white nor a supremacist, but I expect a large part of the media and the academe would call me ethnocentric for believing in American exceptionalism, the philosophical attitude which is at the heart of American greatness. A Judeo-Christian worldview, the ethic of individualism, unapologetic capitalism - where have all these virtues gone?

Today, the 50 states are united only in their subservience to Washington DC. Gender is defined, not chromosomally, but on a whim. Religion, which was the soil out of which liberty grew, is regarded as inimical to that very liberty. Soon the country will be populated by descendants of today's nanny-state runts - feckless and androgynous like Wells' Eloi. They will be chanting "USA … USA ..." with the gusto of medieval monks.

Alexander Lee

West Chicago

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