
Public Invited to Prairie Center for the Arts Renaming Dedication Ceremony on September 10

The public is invited to attend Schaumburg's dedication ceremony of the Prairie Center for the Arts on September 10 in which it will be renamed in honor of Village President Al Larson.

The Prairie Center for the Arts will be renamed the "Al Larson Prairie Center for the Arts" in a brief ceremony that will take place at 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10. The ceremony will be held in the Municipal Plaza located west of the Prairie Center at 201 Schaumburg Court. Following remarks from several speakers, the new name will be unveiled and light refreshments will be offered in the Prairie Center for attendees.

Those interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP online at or call (847) 923-4705 by Wednesday, Aug. 30.

The Schaumburg Village Board on July 25 unanimously voted to rename the center to recognize Village President Al Larson, a passionate supporter of the arts who is celebrating his 30th year as Mayor.

Village President Al Larson became a trustee in 1975 where he served for 12 years before being elected Village President in 1987. Larson was instrumental in preserving the property for the Prairie Center to be built; broadening cultural programming in the village; and establishing partnerships with various arts organizations in the community. Read the full press release on the village's website at

Opened in 1986, the Prairie Center for the Arts is one of the premiere performance venues in the northwest suburban area, hosting local entertainment as well as international touring acts. The intimate 442-seat theatre is home to a variety of acts and performances, including the award-winning Schaumburg Youth Orchestra, Schaumburg Dance Ensemble, Schaumburg Choral Program, Schaumburg Summer Theater and Screen Test Student Fest, as well as many other local and national acts.

Information about the Prairie Center for the Arts and its programming can be found at or by dialing 311 in the village.

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