
Russian meddling did not help Trump

For the past eight months, the FBI, the CIA and a multitude of alphabetical government agencies have been unsuccessfully trying to confirm that Russian meddling in our presidential election swung the victory to Donald Trump.

Did Russia hack into our computers? Most likely. The Obama administration was caught hacking into German, French, Iranian and who knows what other countries' computers; so why be shocked if Russia does the same thing?

Did Russian hacking change the outcome of our election? Not at all. Hillary wanted to continue Obama's polices of degrading our country, our military and our economy. After a large Russian donation to the Clinton Foundation, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed approval for Russia to obtain 20 percent of our uranium. The Russians know they could buy Hillary with contributions to the Clinton Foundation.

On the other hand, Donald Trump is a tough negotiator, not likely to cave in to Russian demands. He wants to rebuild our depleted military, revive our sagging economy, and restore our stature in the world. Not very propitious to Russian interests.

Obviously, if the Russians were trying to tip the elections, they would not have been on Trump's side.

Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate.

Donald Froelich

Mount Prospect

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