
Vote no - again - in Wheaton Dist. 200

Please vote "no" on the $132.5 million Wheaton-Warrenville, Community Unit School District 200 referendum.

A mere four years ago, on April 9, 2013, a referendum for District 200 was voted down. We said "No!" (three "no" for every two "yes"). We said our school taxes are high enough already. But, they will not take "no" as an answer. Now they come back, demanding even more.

Did you know that about 70 percent of our property tax already goes to schools? And that doesn't count state or federal funds that come out of our other pockets.

Did you know that if you own a median valued home ($322,000) that your initial payment of $180 per year will grow … and that your total payment will be more like $7,400?

Did you know that CUSD 200 K-12 enrollment peaked at 14,484 in the year 2000 and has declined to 12,560 in 2016? Pre-K enrollment for those without special needs has been increasing.

Did you know that while the student enrollment is down, the number of administrators, teachers, and support staff are all up?

Did you know that since 2010 the district has had a full-time communications director, who now has an assistant, and a large budget for mailers, videos, surveys, signs and hiring consultants?

What are the districts priorities? Have they prioritized building maintenance and the students?

Please vote "no" again to this never-ending argument about just how much is enough?

Then vote for the four school board candidates who agree with you; 4. Harold Lonks, 5. Thomas E. Hudock, 6. Neil F. Harnen 7. Marcus D. Hamilton.

Jan Shaw


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