
Bobby McNeily: Candidate Profile

Wheaton City Council West District

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Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioQA Bio City: WheatonWebsite: @mcneily_bobbyFacebook: sought: Wheaton City Council West District Age: 28Family: Candidate did not respond.Occupation: Nonprofit Professional, Turning Point USAEducation: -Graduate, Glenbard South High School-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, B.A. (Music/Vocal Performance)Civic involvement: Secretary, Wheaton Lions Club-Wheaton Rotary (A.M.) Club-Wheaton Chamber of Commerce-Milton Township Cemeteries Authority-Knights of Columbus #2601-St. Michael Catholic ChurchElected offices held: Commissioner, Wheaton Community Relations CommissionTrustee, Wheaton Mosquito Abatement DistrictMilton Township Republican Precinct CommitteemanQuestions Answers What downtown improvement projects do you think need to be a priority and why? Is there work you want to eliminate?Our development plans for the downtown are interesting and exciting. The current plan should be completed on time and under budget while addressing much needed infrastructure improvements and needs. We must build trust and clarity between property owners, small business owners, and government over the next several years to ensure that the concerns of our downtown small businesses are not ignored. I will seek insight from Front Street restaurants, retailers, and all shops in the downtown to address their concerns as the proposed project(s) move forward. Our goal should be to attract new and dynamic competitors to Wheaton while ensuring those already here that they have a partner in the City of Wheaton.What is your opinion of your community's present level of local sales and property taxes? Is the tax just right, too low or too high? Explain.We must work to lower and freeze property taxes in order to provide homeowner relief. As a Wheaton City Councilman, I intend to work with all units of government in order to provide tax relief while maintaining high quality city services. Let us expand our tax base in a healthy manner by attracting new and dynamic businesses. Let us strive to keep our senior citizens and young families in Wheaton by reaching these goals. It CAN be done with strategic and forward thinking plans.Rate the efficiency of your town's police and fire coverage. Are the departments well prepared for the next decade? What, if anything, should be changed? Do you have specific public safety concerns?You will not find a more dedicated group of people in public service. Police Chief Volpe and Fire Chief Schultz have much to be proud of and we are indebted to their teams. The Police and Fire Departments deserve our support as we work together for a stronger and safer community. Heroin (among other drugs) continues to be a serious concern in our schools and neighboring communities. As a Wheaton City Councilman, I intend to partner with the DuPage County Board and Sheriff's Office to combat and, God-willing, ultimately eliminate this evil off of our streets.The Wheaton City Council can also assist in policing efforts by passing wise ordinances. For example, the council should have never granted a liquor license to the 7-Eleven on W. Liberty Drive considering the amount of police attention needed at the named location. The Wheaton Liquor and Tobacco Control Commission's unanimous vote against the granting of that license was disregarded by the City Council. The council's decision to permit the sale of alcohol just feet from St. Michael School, and by refusing to listen to the concerns of parents, shows poor judgement.Where, if anywhere, could the current budget be trimmed, and conversely, are there areas the budget does not give enough money to?Wheaton City Councilmen should not receive healthcare coverage from the City of Wheaton. Serving on the council is not a full-time job and I pledge to the voters that I will not partake in the city's lucrative healthcare plan for the council members. I see this position as an extension of my public service.What is one good idea you have to better the community that no one is talking about yet?Wheaton has helped to shape the American experience. It's a place synonymous with greatness. Let us then preserve our history by utilizing the free market and by using fresh ideas and strategic thinking. With that said, let us work as a community to reopen the Wheaton Grand Theatre. It is a bold idea and it may be difficult, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Vision, communication, drive, and active engagement are the components needed to achieve large goals.What other issues, if any, are important to you as a candidate for this office?Responding to the call of public service is noble is this day and age. It can be a daunting task. Therefore, listening is vital in leadership and to citizens' concerns. I am driven by a passion and vision for the future of our great city. My commitment to citizenship is rooted in a deep sense of gratitude and love for our community and its amazing residents. I pledge 110% commitment to the role of Wheaton City Councilman should you honor me with the opportunity of representing you.Please name one current leader who most inspires you.United States Senator Rand Paul inspires me, because he is willing to take a stand and argue his case without being disagreeable.What is the biggest lesson you learned at home growing up?My mother taught me how to work hard and to never give up. Her example helped me survive cancer and I will forever be grateful.If life gave you one do-over, what would you spend it on?There are no do-overs. I succeed, because I have failed. I strive for balance in all that I do.What was your favorite subject in school and how did it help you in later life?Social Studies/Choir/Theater. These subjects allowed me to share my perspective and interact with my peers. My professional career has greatly benefited from these experiences.If you could give your children only one piece of advice, what would it be?"There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit."

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