
Fox Valley Methodists open Lent with Ash Wednesday service

Opening Lent, clergy and laypeople from five Fox Valley United Methodist churches joined in an evening Ash Wednesday service at Kaneville United Methodist Wednesday, March 1.

In addition to Kaneville UMC, churches represented were Sugar Grove UMC and Wesley UMC, Fourth Street UMC and Bethany of Fox Valley UMC, all in Aurora.

Pastors who participated were the Rev. Avani Christian, Kaneville UMC; Rev. CheonEui Oh and Rev. Sharon Rice, Sugar Grove UMC; Rev. Deborah Tinsley Taylor, Fourth Street UMC; Rev. Sam Park, Bethany UMC; and Rev. John Bell, Wesley UMC.

Parishioners who participated were Ralph Brian, Fourth Street UMC; Kathy Breazeale, Wesley UMC; Rick Wojak, Sugar Grove UMC; Hansen Ragatz, Kaneville UMC; and Jacquee Lawrence, Bethany UMC.

Music included a solo by Carol Flanders, Kaneville UMC; and a communion-invitation anthem by a combined choir of members from collaborating churches.

A freewill offering was taken to benefit refugees through World Relief Aurora-DuPage and United Methodist Committee on Relief.

After clergy distributed ashes and communion elements, refreshments and fellowship concluded the event.

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