
Naperville cops: Gummy bears that sickened students contained cannabis

Naperville police say the tainted gummy bears that caused a dozen Naperville North High School students to become ill last December contained cannabis.

Five students have been charged as juveniles in the case.

Police say two 17-year-old boys, one 16-year-old boy and one 14-year-old girl have been charged with delivery of a substance containing cannabis. The fifth student, a 16-year-old boy, was charged with possession of cannabis.

The students who ate the tainted candy got sick Dec. 6 and were taken to Edward Hospital in Naperville complaining of symptoms that included fast heart rates, dizziness and dry mouths.

Police believe most of the students who ate the candy knew it contained some form of cannabis.

Naperville Unit District 203 officials said they will not comment on the findings or the charges.

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