
CMIT Solutions Shares Tips for Setting Tech Resolutions in the New Year

January is the perfect time to reevaluate information technology (IT) security measures and best practices, and CMIT Solutions, the nation's leading provider of IT services to the small and medium-sized business (SMB) community, has compiled a list of tech resolutions local residents and business owners can implement in 2017.

With devices and software at risk of malfunction and cybercrime, there are several simple steps to take to prevent data loss, virus infection and other common technology issues.

To help local residents prevent technology problems before they strike, CMIT Solutions today released a list of the top tech resolutions to make in the New Year.

• Back up data. With a technological malfunction, a virus or something as simple as a coffee spill, all data stored on your device could be lost forever. Regular backups preserve and protect precious data, such as photos, documents and secure financial information. Don't wait for a data disaster to strike to spring into backup action.

• Safeguard passwords. Create long, complicated, randomly generated passwords; use different passwords for different accounts and enable two-factor authentication. Password protection is a simple step to avoid stolen data and the headaches that come with it.

• Increase cybersecurity awareness. Keep yourself up to date on the popular hacking methods cybercriminals are using. A few common traps to steer clear of include unsecured public Wi-Fi and malicious links to spam and malware, whether on a website or in an email attachment.

• Be skeptical of the hype. New technology products often have glitches that aren't discovered until the product hits the market. Be sure to carefully consider the pros and cons of upgrading your devices and software.

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