
We know you're a teddy bear at heart

True story: Around the time Clarence Thomas was approved for Supreme Court there was a lot of heat going on about how males communicated with females at work.

Seeing how easy it was to be on the other end of the stick being a guy who made a few comments which could have been treated as sexist and wanting to keep my job I decided to become a straight shooter. No more comments regarding blondes, compliments on how a co-worker was dressed that day or possible misinterpreted jokes/comments.

After about a month of being the Dahli Lama of Banking several of my female co-workers etc. approached me and said they know why I was acting the way I was but they liked the old Uncle Lar better and would I please go back to being me. I responded that all it would take was one women or man for that matter to end my career and sorry it was not worth it.

The response I will never forget "No one would ever think you were serious. For most of us you are the best reason we have to come to work everyday. We know you are just a teddy bear at heart."

After the dust settled a month or so I went back to being Uncle Lar. However, that was a long time ago on a planet far far away. I highly recommend my male readers out there, don't risk it. You may one day want to run for president.

Larry Eichman


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