
Elect candidates who are committed to life

Our presidential candidates recently revealed their views on late-term and partial-birth abortion. The political rhetoric and half-truths that were spewed forth only serve to obscure the truth. The truth is that all human life is created by a loving God. All human life, as we now know through science and technology, begins at conception.

The bottom line is that a great society, under the divine guidance of a loving God, does not allow its citizens to kill each other, especially its most vulnerable citizens.

It defends and nurtures them. Human beings can be vulnerable at all stages of their earthly existence, from fetus until old age, due to many factors that are either economical, physical, or psychological in nature.

The laws of a great society should be written and enforced so as to encourage its citizens to offer counsel to those in doubt, comfort to those who are afflicted, peace and safety to those who are fearful.

Let's take a hard look at our country and its laws. Let's block efforts to create new laws that further a culture of death and darkness. Let's elect officials who see what it means to be true progressives; virtuous leaders who know that a truly great society embraces and nurtures all human life at all stages and in all their troubled circumstances.

Let's engage ourselves and our government leaders to create a great society.

Peter Gennuso


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