Endorsement: Ives for Illinois House District 42
The Daily Herald Editorial Board
The candidates in the race for the state's 42nd House District provide a contrast in attitude and approach.
Incumbent Republican Jeanne Ives, a former member of the Wheaton City Council who has served in the House since 2012, is both a fiscal and social conservative who doesn't hesitate to speak her mind and rattle cages - sometimes on both sides of the aisle.
Her Democratic challenger, Kathleen Carrier of Carol Stream, comes into the race without ever holding elected office and without fully formed views on some key issues - including education funding. She promises to take steps to ease the "hostile environment" plaguing Springfield.
Absent a change in the way legislative boundaries are drawn, Ives says the only alternative for fair government in Illinois is term limits. Carrier says while such limits would eliminate entrenched politicians, they also would take away choice from constituents. Ives says she would oppose any tax increases without major reforms because "Illinois has not earned the right to new revenue." Carrier says new revenue sources are needed and she would consider a graduated income tax or a tax on services. She says closing loopholes might allow the state to lower its tax rate while still increasing revenue.
We have concerns about Ives' sometimes confrontational style and her social conservatism. But we also like her grasp of the issues, her willingness to defend her views and her focus on finding solutions to the state's crushing budget woes. Ives is endorsed.
The 42nd District includes parts or all of Wheaton, Winfield, Carol Stream, Warrenville, Lisle, West Chicago, Naperville and Woodridge.