There's Still Time To Participate
The Healthy Lombard Foundation's 2016 Flat Apple Activities have touched over 80 kids and there is still time to move and have fun this summer by participating and earning Raffle Tickets.
Upcoming events include:
JULY 21, 2016 - Health Track Sports Wellness' Children's Fun Fitness Challenges
Kids ages 5 - 13 can partake from 9 - 11 AM in physical activities in the basketball gym at HealthTrack. They are located at 875 E Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn, IL
JULY 23 & 24, 2016 - Revolutionary Activities at the Lombard Civil War Reenactment
The Lombard Lilac Post 5815 will sponsor games from that era for kids of all ages from 11AM - 1:30 PM on both days at Four Seasons Park, 16th and Main Streets (by Manor Hill & Glenn Westlake Middle schools) Lombard, IL.
AUGUST 2, 2016 - Lombard Park District Paradise Bay Event
As a way to say Thank You to thank their customers and pass holders, Paradise Bay Water Park invites everyone to join us for games, activities, and prizes! Come by, swim for FREE and earn a Flat Apple Raffle Ticket from 5 - 9 PM. The pool is located at 437 E St Charles Rd, Lombard, IL 60148
AUGUST 14, 2016 - 2XL Strength & Fitness & Ironclad Performance
These two great workout facilities, located in the strip Mall Suite #8of Yorktown Shopping Center,
Lombard, IL are joining together to present Lombard Strongest Kid Challenge. This "strongman" competition is scaled for kids in order to introduce them to the joy of moving in a fun, exciting way.Kids can compete in Fun and different physical challenges like the "Victory Press", "Block Carry & Load", "Sled Push", as well as a couple of mystery events from 1 - 4 PM. There will be Boys and Girls divisions for age groups: 8-10, 11-12, and 13-15.
There are also two ongoing events:
LINITO Cycle - Stop by LiNiTo Cycle located at 22 Kenilworth Ct., Lombard, on your bike Monday June 6 thru Saturday August 13 between 10 AM and 3 PM for a complimentary safety check.
Dr. Michael Cerone Dental Office - Happy Smiles Activity. Any child who visits the office at 845 S Main St #303, Lombard, between June 6 and August 14 for a check-up or cleaning will receive a Flat Apple Raffle Ticket.
Registration and Prizes
To be eligible to win, participants, ages preschool to high school, must be registered with Healthy Lombard at
A link is also available on the Main Page of the website at
Registration is used to quantify the number of participants and to update them on future events. Each time a child participates in a Flat Apple activity he/she earns a raffle ticket. Additional tickets can also be earned by taking a Healthy Selfie at either a Flat Apple event or when participating in another healthy activity (swimming, running, biking, etc.). One submission is allow every day until August 15th. To submit a photo, send it to and it will be posted on the Foundation's Healthy Lombard Selfie Facebook Page.
Prizes for this year's Flat Apple Raffle include a bike, 2 sets of Beat Headphones, an iPad mini, a backpack tent, workout equipment, 4 tickets to an upcoming Red Stars Women's Soccer Game, gift cards, and more.
For additional information contact Healthy Lombard Foundation Founder and Board President Jay Wojcik at 630-916-0519 or at