
Seasonal Service Reminders

Holiday Light Recycling

Free holiday light recycling is offered to local residents and businesses through the West Chicago Environmental Commission from November 24, 2015 - January 22, 2016. Strands of incandescent and LED holiday lights, and household extension cords in any condition may be dropped off at the locations listed below during normal business hours.

Drop-off Locations (subject to change)

◾Murphy Ace Hardware, 319 South Neltnor Boulevard

◾First United Methodist Church, 643 East Washington Street

◾West Chicago Public Library, 118 West Washington Street

◾West Chicago City Hall, 475 Main Street

◾West Chicago Water Treatment Plant, 1400 West Hawthorne Lane

The lights and cords will be collected by Elgin Recycling (, stripped and recycled for their copper and plastic parts.

Christmas Tree Pickup

Garbage collection for Christmas trees will take place during the weeks of January 4, 2016 and January 11, 2016, on regularly scheduled garbage pickup days. Trees must be free of all tinsel, garland and ornaments. No stickers are required during this period.

Holiday Light Removal

Holiday lights must be removed by March 25, 2016 to avoid a citation.

Snow Removal

The City is divided into seven plow routes. This allows the City to have at least one truck working in all areas of town. Each route contains primary and secondary roads. Primary roads are those that keep traffic flowing in and out of West Chicago and are the first streets to be salted and plowed.

Secondary roads are those that have less traffic flow, are generally side streets, and are salted and plowed upon completion of primary roads. During heavier snowfalls, side streets may not be plowed until after the snowfall stops. The City will make every effort to at least make side streets passable until the trucks have time to properly plow the streets.

Residents should be aware of the following City policies:

◾City ordinance imposes a parking ban on all streets after a two-inch snowfall until such time as the street has been completely plowed curb-to-curb.

◾It is illegal to plow or shovel snow from driveways or sidewalks into the street.

◾The City does not provide for snow removal from sidewalks other than in front of municipal properties and from the Wilson Avenue Bridge.

◾The City will not be responsible for damage to improperly installed mailboxes or to boxes damaged by thrown snow. Properly installed mailboxes require the box to be securely attached to a strong post with the face of the box a minimum distance of six inches behind the back of the curb (preferably 12 inches).

◾The placing of ornamental rocks or other objects along the curb line is illegal as they present serious safety hazard to snow removal equipment and other traffic.

If you can, wait until your street is completely plowed before cleaning off your driveway.

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