
Chipping away at moral commitments

The Kochs, ALEC, politicians (the enablers) and wealthy investors are chipping away at the fabric of our moral commitments to one another.

Recently we learned that the Koch brothers and EXXON have been paying off our politicians for years to lie about climate changes even though EXXON's own scientists reported the hazards of drilling. So, here we are fighting to breathe, fighting against cancer, fighting to save our public water supplies from carcinogenic water runoff due to fracking.

If you recall, Republican politicians called anyone on Medicaid as a "taker." If there is a "taker" in this country, it's the 1 Percent and the big corporations who get our tax money in the form of tax loopholes, tax havens and tax incentives. This is the biggest tax heist of our time.

Rich investors have divided us over education. The mass media has run countless articles about public education that is "failing us." A lie. Just think of all who have graduated from public schools and have become productive members of society. The truth is, the 1 Percent bad-mouthed public education so the wealthy could privatize our schools and make huge profits from charter schools. This is the business model, defund it, reduce staff, turn public opinion against it and its workers with ugly rhetoric … and make big money once it goes into bankruptcy. The 1 Percent can make millions with your tax dollar for their schemes, but they claim workers are making too much money. The hypocricy.

Republicans in Congress have already committed to defunding Planned Parenthood. More clinics will close, then the business of women's health care will be privatized for profits; just watch. It's a sick business model.

Joni Lindgren


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