
Tough to list Clinton achievements

I read with amazement that Martha Tuohy of Arlington Heights actually believes that Hillary Clinton was one of the most effective Secretary of State's and Obama's decision to make a mercy call to the Oregon victims was more than just a photo prop.

The largest achievement that these two put together was the destruction of the all-important notion that our enemies feared us and our allies trusted us. Clinton posted more airtime on planes than any other Secretary of State with no accomplishment to show for it. Oh wait, she claimed to be the driving force to remove the dictator in Libya, which had no threat to us.

Oh, after over 600 emails to Clinton and staff for more security, from Ambassador Chris Stevens, they received none and are now deceased. The list goes on.

You see, to put together a list of accomplishments to Clinton's achievements is not only difficult, it ends up in the negative category. For that, along with hers and Obama's lies, the insults are warranted and deserved.

Carl Palash

Carol Stream

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