
Letter writer wrong on Planned Parentood

The letter that appeared on today's Fencepost (Nov 5) is loaded with half truths and misleading statements.

Planned Parenthood's leader - Cecile Richards admitted (during a Congressional investigation of their practice of harvesting fetal body parts) that 86% of their revenue comes from abortions.

The so called "3%" of their programs drives 86% of their revenue. That makes abortion their primary business. Many other clinics around the country provide necessary medical care for women WITHOUT engaging in the despicable act of destroying human life.

Government money sent to religious organizations is for social services rendered under government run programs. That's a far cry from the statement in the letter that "billions or our tax dollars go to supporting churches."

Trying to quote the Bible (Genesis 2:7) to justify abortion shows a lack of understanding of Scripture. Genesis 2:7 states that God created man from dust and breathed the breath of life into him. In other words, God is the author of all human life. If life begins with your first breath of air, as the author of the letter states, how does she explain the beating heart of an unborn child eighteen days after conception?

Finally, the author of the letter complains that Republican men are misguided in their efforts to defend life. She obviously doesn't know that pro-life Democrats exist; congressman Dan Lipinski of Illinois for one. She also ignores the many women who serve in Congress as both Representatives and Senators.

Thank goodness that both men and women of strong moral character exist in our government so as to defend the sanctity of human life from it's conception until our natural death. A great society is not built on the blood of innocents nor on the bodies of the weak and infirm.

Peter Gennuso
