
Are our legislators breaking the law?

It is my understanding that state law requires our legislature to propose a (balanced) budget by not later than May 31st each year; and that by July 1st a (balanced) budget, signed by the governor, must be put in place. Most Illinoisans know that this has not occurred in 2015.

Does this not mean that the entirety of the General Assembly and the Governor are law breakers? Should not their illegal behavior have consequences?

What about immediate removal from office? What about immediate cessation of their salaries after July 1st? What about putting them in jail for contempt? But, alas, no apparent enforcement mechanisms or penalties exist for those leaders who disobey this law.

Those of us in Illinois who are simply ordinary citizens are expected to obey state laws. If we do not, we will be visited with adverse repercussions: tickets, fines, lawsuits, or worse. How can we have respect for state laws when those who make them do not? What we are left to conclude is that state law regarding an annual budget is not a law at all; but simply a suggestion; one that can be followed or not on the basis of whim.

In Roman times, Nero fiddled while Rome burned. In modern times, Illinois is allowed to sink into an abyss while the happy band of Springfield warriors eschews common sense and the welfare of the state by playing the same political games as they have for decades. Is it any wonder that our state is a mess?

Charles F. Falk
