
Need Lemon Law for health care

There's a Lemon Law that prevents carmakers from selling bad cars. As far as I know, it's there to protect consumers from badly made cars and those unscrupulous dealers who would convince someone to buy a car they knew to be defective.

So let's say a car salesman lays it on thick and convinces someone to buy a car that's no good. That buyer is protected by the Lemon Law. They can take the car back and be properly credited for having been duped.

This is exactly what happened with the Affordable Care Act. The authors, creators and sellers of this health care law knew the law was no good yet they foisted it on the public with malice aforethought. We all now know the and have felt the sickening feeling that we've been had. That the con artists have successfully cheated us. It's a bad feeling.

The MIT economist who was hired to lay it on thick regaled in his sleaziness by calling all voters stupid rubes.

I have just received the second notice in three years that my current health care plan, that I could barely afford, was being discontinued. The plan that is replacing it has premiums that are 67 percent higher than my current plan.

What's really low is everyone who voted for and championed the Affordable Care Act knew it was a lemon and yet they continue to lie about what is actually happening. Our plans are being eliminated and replaced with ones that are outside of our ability to afford.

There needs to be a Lemon Law that applies to health care, and for that matter, any law that has been created and advanced through deception, avarice and chicanery. The affordable care act would fit the bill.

Mike Simon

Glen Ellyn

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