
Stop by for 'Trunk or Treat' and a meal at Grace church Oct. 31

Grace Lutheran Church of Lily Lake, 5N600 Hanson Road in St. Charles, will have a busy day on Halloween. From 9 to 11:30 a.m., Thrivent Financial will have a shredding truck at the church. Do you have old documents you have been afraid to throw away and no shredder at home? Bring your documents to be shredded on site. Limit the amount you bring to no more than four bankers boxes.

After this event, head home to trick or treat through your neighborhoods, then come join the church for "Trunk or Treat" from 6 to 8 p.m. After walking the neighborhood trick or treating, you'll surely have worked up an appetite! Who wants to head home and cook? The church will be serving pulled pork sandwiches, chips, sides, and desserts for a free-will donation. After refueling, head on out to the roped off section of the parking lot where you can "Trunk or Treat." There will be many decorated vehicles full of candy and fun!

If you would like to sign up to decorate your trunk or car for this event, you do not need to be a member of Grace. They invite the whole community to participate. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, call the church office at (630) 365-6751 or e-mail Visit Or follow the church on Facebook.

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