
Make quilts for vets with Quilts of Valor

The Elgin branch of the Land of Lincoln Quilts of Valor has changed its monthly meeting to the third Tuesday of the month. They meet from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Christ the Lord Lutheran church, 12N462 Tina Trail in Elgin. The next meeting will be June 16.

They make quilts for service veterans of all wars, as a way of saying thank you for their service and to remind them that someone cares.

If you are interested in joining the group, even if you are a beginner or an experienced quilter, stop by a monthly meeting and check it out. Bring a machine and a sack lunch it you plan on spending the day.

For details, contact Shirley at or (630) 377-8418 and Patty at or (847) 931-2259.


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