
U.S. reps from suburbs sound off on Obama's speech

Suburban members of Congress had these reactions to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night. His speech sought to highlight recent economic gains and propose, among other things, free community college for qualifying students.

U.S. Rep. Bob Dold, Kenilworth Republican

"As elected officials, we need to work together in a bipartisan fashion to fix our broken immigration system. (Speech guest) Erika (Martinez's) courage is inspiring and I am honored to have her join me at tonight's State of the Union address as we advance the dialogue on this very important and personal issue to families from all four corners of the 10th District."

U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth, Hoffman Estates Democrat

"It is crucial we reach across the aisle and work together to pass bipartisan immigration reform, make college more affordable, help working families make ends meet and keep our country safe."

U.S. Rep. Bill Foster, Naperville Democrat

"As a scientist and businessman, I think it's important to look at facts and data when crafting policy, and on this issue the facts are clear: Investing in the middle class leads to strong economic growth. I hope that Congress will act quickly to consider these proposals to provide overdue relief for middle-class families."

U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren, Plano Republican

"Tonight, he showcased a wish list of items that in large part were intended to divide the country, rather than bring us together. For being a former legislator, issuing multiple veto threats to Congress days before they invite you into their chamber shows the president isn't serious or sincere about respecting the legislative process."

U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam, Wheaton Republican

"Unfortunately, the speech we heard tonight reflects a president whose focus is squarely on a political legacy and not on the common-sense policies that will strengthen families, grow our economy, and build on the common ground we all have as Americans. Our country deserves so much better."

U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Evanston Democrat

"The United States is the wealthiest country in the world, and we've never been richer than we are right now. But the vast majority of people in my community in Illinois and all around the country are not seeing that wealth."

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, Springfield Democrat

"America is doing better - our economy is growing, unemployment is at an eight-year low, and the number of people without health insurance is falling. But too many Americans are still struggling, and we must recommit ourselves to solving our biggest challenges to help more working families achieve the American dream."

U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk, Highland Park Republican

"Illinois is right to want a bridge-builder in the Senate, and I approach every day with that goal in mind. Through new ways to save for college and keeping kids off gang-ridden streets and in school, we can make real progress that directly benefits Illinois families."

Dick Durbin
Mark Kirk
Bob Dold
Bill Foster
Randy Hultgren
Jan Schakowsky
Tammy Duckworth
Peter Roskam
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