Natural gas safety tips
If you suspect a natural gas leak:• Leave immediately and go to a safe location.
• Do not try to locate the source of the leak.
• Do not use electrical devices, like lights, phones or garage door openers.
• Do not try to shut off any natural gas valves.
• Do not use an open flame, matches or lighters.
• Do not start vehicles parked in the area
• Call 911 from a safe place.
Signs of a natural gas leak• 'Rotten egg' smell
• Dead or discolored vegetation in an otherwise green area
• Dirt or dust blowing from a hole in the ground
• Bubbling in wet or flooded areas
• Blowing or hissing sound
• Flames, if a leak has ignited
To prevent natural gas leaks• Have a qualified technician service gas appliances regularly. They also will check for outdated and unsafe flexible gas connector hoses.
• Always call JULIE at 811 or (800) 892-0123 before digging to avoid hitting a buried pipe.
• Turn off all burners completely on the stove or oven after use.
• Call your local supplier or fire department.
Source: Countryside Fire Protection District