
Media, do your job for a change

Media, do your job for a change

Some 40 years ago an unprecedented media feeding frenzy brought down a sitting president amid allegations of political dirty tricks and a high level cover-up. Watergate reigns as the quintessential high-water mark for liberal/progressive media prowess, investigative reporting’s finest hour crowning Woodward and Bernstein with journalistic sainthood.

Fast forward to today’s pathetic newsroom charade decidedly void of any semblance of objective journalism, dominated instead by an endless parade of pretty faces and Broadway-style choreography. Critical information takes a back seat to cheesy entertainment.

Dedicated Americans continue to die in overseas combat, 26 in just the first 10 days of October, while left wing media moguls obsess with demonizing Ted Cruz and the Tea Party. Were Mr. Bush still our president, Afghanistan would most certainly be the headline clarion call across the fruited plain.

Benghazi’s wanton slaughter of four American patriots receives hardly a whimper from agenda-driven press elites. NSA and IRS scandals languish beneath an orchestrated news blackout enjoyed by this White House for over five years. Even as Obamacare threatens to destroy health care nationwide, a sympathetic press corps scrambles to carry the water for arguably the most inept chief executive in American history.

Perhaps hunkered down in the mainstream media there resides a niche of objective reporters still devoted to their fourth estate ethics pledge in pursuit of the truth. Make us all infinitely proud by simply doing your job for a change; Walter Cronkite and Paul Harvey will be cheering you on.

William G. Parrot


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