
West Chicago ESDA distributes weather alert radios to schools

West Chicago, Illinois: May 31, 2013– Severe weather and emergency preparedness is top of mind in West Chicago especially in light of the recent severe weather related tragedies in Moore, Oklahoma and other states. This week the West Chicago Emergency Services Disaster Agency (ESDA) distributed National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather alert radios to all public schools in West Chicago as part of the process to receive StormReady® certification from the National Weather Service. The StormReady® certification program better prepares communities to save lives from the effects of severe weather through advanced planning, education and awareness. The radios were purchased by the City and with a grant from the Illinois Emergency Services Management Association.

NOAA weather alert radios provide an important method of receiving severe weather warnings in addition to emails, texts, or other internet based warning systems. The radios are activated when the National Weather Service sends out a warning or watch and may provide additional minutes of warning when time is critical. The City recommends all homes have one of these radios to alert family members of severe weather, especially at night when they are sleeping, as part of their family preparedness plan.

Additional information on severe weather preparedness can be found at Residents are invited to contact ESDA by email at to schedule a talk about severe weather preparedness for their neighborhoods or community groups.

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