
Christina McCann: Candidate Profile

Fremont Township Clerk (4-year Term) (Independent)

Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioKey IssuesQA Bio City: MundeleinWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: Fremont Township Clerk (4-year Term)Age: 55Family: Married, three childrenOccupation: Office Administrator and Real Estate Investment and ManagementEducation: Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications (specialty Public Relations) University of South Florida 1980Civic involvement: Elected Official - Fremont Township Trustee Fremont Township Community Emergency Response Team (Executive Committee and Volunteer) Fremont Township Citizen Corps CouncilElected offices held: Fremont Township Trustee (1997-2013)Have you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: NoCandidate's Key Issues Key Issue 1 TransparencyKey Issue 2 Improved Communication with ResidentsKey Issue 3 Digitizing Office RecordsQuestions Answers Name the three most important goals or objectives this board should tackle in the coming term. Prioritize them, and briefly discuss why you believe each to be critical, and how the board should go about addressing them.Long Term Planning - The Board should form a committee to explore Township resources and create goals to best utilize those resources Transparency - The Board should improve the format and frequency of the Township newsletter to better improve communication with Township residents. Increase Programs and Services - The Board should work to provide additional programs and services to Township residents at no additional cost. There are many opportunities within our existing budget to do so.In the 21st Century, with municipalities gobbling up vacant land, why are townships needed? Should they be serving a new role? If so, what?In actuality, Fremont Township still has a great deal of residents living in unincorporated areas, for those residents Township government is a vital resource which provides necessary services. We are also filling and meeting gaps in services for residents who live in incorporated areas. It has been my experience over the past 15 years that Fremont Township programs and services have increased in response to demand from our residents. In addition to mandated duties, Townships should provide whatever role is necessary to fill and meet gaps in programs and services to residents in both incorporated and unincorporated areas without duplicating what is already available elsewhere. I feel our Township has done a good job of doing that, but I see a need to step up and provide even more. I believe we have the support of our residents because we have been responsive to their needs and work daily to meet their demands.What should be the primary responsibility of township government?Above and beyond meeting the duties mandated by the State of Illinois, Township governments have the unique ability to adapt and meet the needs and demands of their residents. Each Township is different; some identify needs and provide additional resources for youth and/or seniors, others fill voids in recreational programs and services or emergency assistance. I firmly believe that Township government have the ability and responsibility to work closely with local residents and provide resources that are in need and demand.In these hard economic times, can you identify some township expenses/programs that could be trimmed or eliminated to reduce the tax burden?I believe we have the responsibility to be consistently monitoring our budget to determine if there is waste or duplication. Our Board is diligent in monitoring Township expenses. When there are opportunities to cut expenses, we do. We currently have funds allocated to invest in additional recreational resources for the community. We have done so because we are consistently approached by local organizations (soccer, football, baseball, etc.) to build more fields. As long as residents are in need of and continue to demand those resources, I feel we should continue to provide for those needs...however, should that demand decrease or disappear, money could be saved by eliminating the purchase of land or creating additional recreational resources.What specific background or experience do you bring that makes you the best qualified candidate to serve as an elected official in the township?My background as an office administrator and work in the field of public relations has prepared me to meet all the duties required of the Township Clerk. Over 15 years serving as a Township Trustee provides me with working knowledge of how Township government operates and the ways in which I can facilitate our government's responsiveness to community needs.

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