
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Trade Global Market on Nov.3

Take a shopping trip around the world!

Come to the Fair Trade Global Market on Saturday, November 3, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, 1234 North Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights.

This year's Fair Trade Global Market will feature nine fair trade businesses that work with artisans around the world.  All these businesses are members of Chicago Fair Trade, an organization Our Saviour's supports with a faith-based membership.

Here's a taste of what you'll find at this year's Market:


bags and accessories

recycled motorcycle seat purses 

colorful hand woven products from Guatemala

Fair Trade Olive Oil from Palestine

Additionally, three well known businesses will bring products from artisans around the world: Ten Thousand Villages  •  Gracias  •  Global Handmade Hope

As always, you'll be able to buy Equal Exchange Fair Trade Coffee, Tea, Cocoa and Chocolate, and baked goods from the kitchens of Our Saviour's members.  Mark your calendar, make up your shopping list, and bring your friends for an international shopping experience!

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