
Delegate diary: Third convention for Inverness surgeon

Delegate diary: Being a delegate at the Republican National Convention in Tampa can make for a long day of official duties and listening to speeches, as Inverness oral surgeon Michael Menis describes — but at least the "swag bag" given to delegates includes free chocolate bars.

Name:Michael Menis

Hometown: Inverness

Q. How many conventions is this for you?

A. It's my third. I've been to New York (in 2004) and Minneapolis (2008), but this is my first time as a delegate.

Q. How does seeing things through the eyes of a delegate change things?

A. There's a whole itinerary for the delegates, and we're really spokespersons for the Romney/Ryan ticket. We're here for a common cause.

Q. What was Tuesday like for you?

A. We got on the bus for Tampa about noon, and then took part in the official activities of the convention, including the roll call and official nominating of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

Q. What's your favorite part of the “swag bag” you got from convention organizers?

A. The Hershey's chocolate bars. ... There was a “Fire Madigan” button in there, too.

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