Lakemoor stepping up its effort to “professionalize” town
Lakemoor officials will spend the next couple of months upgrading their marketing in hopes of drawing businesses to the Route 12 corridor, officials said Tuesday.
Mayor Todd Weihofen said members of the village’s economic development committee will meet Wednesday night to discuss beautifying the Route 120 corridor, creating a new logo and developing banners in order to make Lakemoor more professionally attractive to potential businesses.
He said this first meeting Wednesday is just an exploratory committee to start throwing concepts out there.
“Its still early in the process,” he said. “We just want to come together and share ideas, then move on from there.”
The meeting will kick off at 7 p.m. at the Lakemoor police station, 27901 W. Concrete Drive.
The marketing meeting comes after the village received a $100,000 grant to redevelop the its overall comprehensive plan, a document used by planners and the zoning board as a road map for future development.
He said part of bringing in a new comprehensive plan is to look at the village’s marketing plan and make changes.
“We want to re-market the town in order to attract more business, and well as make the town more successful,” Weihofen said. “It’s time to change everything up to give Lakemoor a more crisper and cleaner image. We want to professionalize everything.”
The new comprehensive and marketing plan has been part of Lakemoor’s effort to improve the town and draw new business. In the past three years, the village has upgraded the village hall and the police station, repainted the town’s lone water tower, and added businesses along Route 120. Lakemoor is partially in Lake County and partially in McHenry County, but the future of commerce will be near routes 12 and 120 to the east in Lake County, Weihofen said.
“I’d love to see a lot of business and services for our residents,” he added. “It’s going to take a lot of time to get business to the downtown area and start building the corner of routes 12 and 120, but this is a start.”