
Who’s really the loser here?

Two events took place that prompt me to write this letter: My car, which is liberally decorated with liberal leaning bumper stickers, apparently offended a conservative so much that he or she felt compelled to put a sticky note on my side view mirror. It read, “Don’t continue to be a loser! Vote Republican!”

Later in the day, House Republicans voted for the 33rd time to repeal the recently deemed constitutional Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. They have held this vote 33 times since January 2011 knowing it is a waste of their time and voted on a jobs bill zero times.

They have voted to take young people off their parents’ insurance policies, to reopen seniors’ prescription drug doughnut holes, to restore pre-existing condition exclusions, to restore caps on insurance coverage and allow insurance companies to drop people for no reason ... 33 times. And, 33 times, they have offered no health care plan of their own.

House members earn $174,000 per year, so the 242 House Republicans will cost taxpayers $84 million over their two year term. What a colossal waste of money. Constituents of Representatives Roskam, Walsh, Dold, Biggert and Hultgren are all losers, because they have cost the taxpayers $1,305,000 so far. They have done nothing to try and grow the economy or create jobs. They have done nothing to try and protect the middle class. They are collecting fat paychecks for doing nothing for us. If you vote for Roskam, Walsh, Dold, Biggert and Hultgren again in November, you are a loser.

Diane Niesman


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