
Thanks for helping West Chicago weather storm damage

As West Chicago regroups from the events of the devastating storm of July 1 that wreaked havoc for tens of thousands of its residents, I want to recognize and deeply thank the many dedicated organizations and individuals who took swift action to respond to our crisis and support our recovery.

It was reported that West Chicago was the epicenter of the storm's destruction. Hours after it hit, a survey of the damage to our community was heart-rending. Individual homes, property and vehicles suffered massive destruction through downed trees and power lines. Landmark trees in our treasured parks no longer stood upright, many severed or completely razed. The 8,400 customers left without power faced record-breaking heat in the days that followed.

And yet, we can remain thankful. There were no fatalities, no severe injuries. We witnessed firsthand the compassionate character of our community as neighbor helped neighbor, and random acts of kindness prevailed. Through the hard work of city crews, the strength of our community partnerships with other government agencies, a solid relationship with ComEd and all of the service providers contracted on our behalf, we survived the forces of nature and were reminded, once again, our city works.

On behalf of the city council, thank you to the West Chicago police and public works departments, fire protection District, and park district for providing critical services related to the health and safety of the public; to ComEd for getting West Chicago back on the grid as quickly as possible; to the many good Samaritans who supported neighbors or total strangers with assistance or simply a cold bottle of water; and to the good people of West Chicago, who had the resilience to endure and the grace to call the city to say thanks for the help.

Ruben Pineda

West Chicago