
Contributions of nuns vital to church

Let me begin by saying I am a cradle Catholic and a practicing one with 12 years of parochial education, so I criticize sadly. The Vatican attack on nuns is nothing more than a smoke screen to cover years of deceit and corruption in Rome.

One of the reasons the Vatican is concerned with the nuns is that some have advocated women priests. Rome has said that this is not a matter for discussion for Catholics, lay or clergy. Yet we are faced with a serious shortage of priests, certainly here in the U.S., if not in many areas. We have nuns and lay people operating parishes because no priest is available. Yet Rome would rather deprive Catholics of the Sacraments than even discuss the subject.

This goes back to Galileo — if you disagree with Rome you must shut up. Well I believe in free speech and this is not a tenet or doctrine of the church. Without the nuns the Catholic church in the U.S. would hardly even exist today.

Wayne E. Bessette


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