
Why can’t Congress, Obama get a clue?

If you are in your 50s and 60s you may be wondering what happened to our country. How did we get to a point where everything seems to be turned upside down and backward? This dyslexia is occurring because our politicians want it that way.

Gasoline over $4 a gallon should not have occurred. The world is having a financial crisis. After a mild winter and Americans driving less, the U.S. had an excess oil inventory. The price of oil and gas should have dropped because the supply was more than the demand. Why didn’t it?

Why can’t politicians find any programs to cut? They proposed to cut the military budget because all the other departments and programs were far more important than the country’s safety and security. It’s sheer stupidity.

Why isn’t there a limit to the amount of taxes one pays? Are we supposed to be satisfied living on 50 percent or less of the income we earn? When does taxation turn into thievery? Politicians don’t seem to care. If they did, they wouldn’t be asking us to live on less.

President Obama and Congress had to rush to fix the economy with bailouts and the like. Where did all the money go for the shovel-ready jobs that weren’t shovel ready? How many of the retiring politicians will be richer because of their involvement in that rush to fix everything? How come Bernie Madoff has been the only person arrested and jailed during this period? He wasn’t a politician!

Why isn’t there a sense of urgency to address the debt and stop the spending? It appears that a financial Armageddon will occur right after the election no matter who is elected. If Mr. Obama is re-elected, he’ll probably blame it all on President Bush again.

Wayne Oras Sr.


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