
Aurora University is a hidden gem

The city of Aurora is home to a hidden jewel. Aurora University has a beautiful campus that is a showcase in its own right. The university brings a level of charm and style that reveals other well known universities.

The ambience the university gives truly reflects the history of Aurora. Boston may have Harvard, but we have our own Ivy League equivalent in the Fox Valley. The diversity of the student body adds value to Aurora University’s own Ivy League image.

Aurora University is proven to be a pillar for the city of Aurora. It offers a solid academic curriculum in large part from its staff and professors. The university has taken a very active role in involving high profile local and national business leaders to be part of the curriculum as guest speakers.

Aurora University is putting academic theory into practical application with positive results. I strongly recommend taking a walk through the campus and witness the charm Aurora University offers its residents.

John M. Aguilar
