
Display of Cultures is at Wheeling H.S. May 25

Wheeling High School will celebrate its rich ethnic diversity with the annual all-school Display of Cultures on Friday, May 25.

Throughout the day, students and staff will be treated to exhibits, a fashion show, music and dance of the 23 cultures from which Wheeling students have originated: African American, American, Argentine, Australian, Barbados, Belize, Canadian, Colombian, Costa Rican, Ecuadorean, Filipino, French, Greek, Guatemalan, Jamaican, Korean, Iranian, Indian, Israel, Italian, Mexican, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peruvian, Polish, Puerto Rican, Punjabi, Salvadoran and Spanish.

Activities will be held all day to give parents and the community a chance to attend. Admission for adults is $5, which goes toward scholarships that the multicultural club S.H.A.D.E.S. awards to three seniors.

The event is under the sponsorship of staff advisers Bertha Sanchez and Joanne Amador Zapata, who expect an enlightening event in which students gain respect for each other’s heritage and display their own cultures with pride.

“We hope to express to our community a greater understanding of and commitment to helping humanity recognize and relish its oneness,” said Sanchez. “We hope (for the) ultimate triumph of racial unity.”

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