
Obama pandered on same sex marriage

President Obama said he approves of same sex marriages. The “reverend” Jesse Jackson adamantly agreed. (What kind of reverend agrees with things that go directly against God’s word?)

Obama just lost my vote for the upcoming election, and I’m depressed thinking I’m going to have to vote for Mitt. However, anyone who so brazenly condones going against the Bible cannot receive my support. We Americans so arrogantly sit in judgment of the Bible when it’s the Bible that should sit in judgment of us.

Doesn’t anyone fear the truth of God? Obama “sold it” by saying he’s living by the Golden Rule. Since when is the Golden Rule telling folks it’s ok to go against God’s word? He is taking the “Golden Rule” completely out of context. Should we say “killing” and “stealing” are OK, too, because, that’s what people want to do? I don’t think so.

The Golden Rule is loving one another and treating them honestly. It’s not giving a free pass to do whatever you want. If he was really living by the Golden Rule, Obama would have said, “God loves everyone — but, he does not want us marrying the same sex.” Now that would take courage. Instead, he pandered.

Rocky Ruggiero
