
Geneva District 304 wins award for financial reporting

Submitted by Geneva School District 304

Geneva School District recently received the Association of School Business Officials International’s Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting award for having met or exceeded the program’s high standards for financial reporting and accountability.

The district was recognized for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the 2010-11 fiscal year.

According to ASBO International, the Certificate of Excellence award confirms the school business office’s commitment to financial accountability and transparency. Recognition through the COE program can help strengthen the district’s presentation for bond issuance statements and promotes a high level of financial reporting.

Geneva School District also won this award in 2011 for its 2009-10 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

“We greatly appreciate the work done by Assistant Superintendent Donna Oberg and the comprehensive audit work of Klein, Hall & Associates that lead to this prestigious recognition for Geneva School District,” said Superintendent Dr. Kent Mutchler.

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the 2010-11 fiscal year is available on Geneva School District’s website,, by clicking on the Geneva 304 Finances link followed by the Annual Financial Report link.

For more information, call Donna Oberg, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, at (630) 463-3030 or visit

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