
Book notes: Girl Scout founder book author in Barrington

Ÿ Author Lucy Christopher reads from and signs copies of her young adult novel “Stolen” and her middle grade novel “Flyaway” at 1 p.m. Sunday, March 4, at Anderson's Bookshop, 123 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville. (630) 355-2665 or

Ÿ Meet Stacy Cordery, author of “Juliette Gordon Low: The Remarkable Founder of the Girl Scouts,” as she discusses and signs copies of her book beginning at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, at the Barrington Area Library, 505 N. Northwest Hwy., Barrington. Complimentary tea and cookies will be served. Registration is required. (847) 382-1300 or

Ÿ Military history author and retired Brigadier Gen. John Sloan Brown discusses his book “Kevlar Legions: The Transformation of the U.S. Army, 1989-2005” in a presentation at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 7, at the First Division Museum at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Road, Wheaton. A book signing follows the program, and copies of “Kevlar Legions” will be available for purchase. Admission and parking are free. (630) 260-8187 or

Ÿ Deborah Ellis, author of several books on humanitarian and social justice issues, including “Breadwinner Trilogy,” discusses her writing and her experiences with heroism around the world at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 8, at the Vernon Area Public Library District, 300 Olde Half Day Road, Lincolnshire. The program is for those in fourth grade and older. Registration is required. Call (847) 634-3650 or go to

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