
Take a chance on amnesty for business

Is it any surprise that Joe Walsh is going to challenge a fellow Republican in the new 14th District, instead of a Democrat in the 8th he currently represents? Not really; he knows he will have tons of right-wing PAC money available to him that he can use to paint Randy Hultgren as a “moderate” too willing to compromise with Democrats — the modus operandi of the tea party.

Walsh holds town hall meeting after meeting. Thus, he doesn’t have to spend time in Washington actually working on legislation that might help pull us out of the economic crisis we’re in. And he knows he’ll be “preaching to the choir” at these meetings; if he’s asked a tough question, the choir boos the questioner (a published tactic of the tea party) and he evades the question with a folksy, cutesy reply and goes on to a softball question from one of the 51 percent who elected him. He has not voted for a single bill that his 49 percent minority constituency would favor.

I read today that American manufacturers are holding over $1 trillion in overseas profits in offshore accounts. This is money that could spark the economy, create jobs and reduce unemployment. These companies refuse to return the profits to America (which, by the way, they made by shipping American jobs overseas) unless Congress promises them amnesty on the taxes they would normally have to pay on those profits.

Joe Walsh could vote yes to give the amnesty because, after all, it is his corporate buddies we’re talking about, but, oh no, it might benefit Obama’s re-election chances if the economy begins to recover! Quite a dilemma, huh, Joe? Step up for once, and vote for America instead of being the tea party puppet you have become.

Tom Dillivan


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