
Protect natural area in Moose annexation

It is our hope that the elected representatives of the City of Batavia will incorporate into the annexation agreement with Moose International the protection of the Mill Creek natural area (parcel D).

This area lies primarily in a flood plain and already is designated as open space and is only 10 percent of the existing property under consideration.

We do not oppose development. That is not the issue. The issue is what is the best long term interest of the Batavia community.

We want and need quality commercial development, but it must be in accordance with our concerns and values. It is incumbent upon our representatives to weigh carefully the cost versus benefits of all proposed development for the community.

Commercial development has profitability as its primary interest. It’s the city’s role to represent both the community’s economic and noneconomic interests. Only the city has the authority to fill this role. No one else represents our whole community. This is the city’s responsibility to us.

This important issue must be addressed now. During annexation discussions, the city is in the strongest position to uphold our shared community values. What could possibly be gained by not resolving this issue when we have the maximum opportunity to do it well? Postponement gains nothing.

Batavia should not sell itself short by succumbing to a second city mentality. This whole development will have a major effect on quality of life in Batavia for years to come. Let’s start out with high expectations for the best possible outcome at each stage of the plan.

We believe by incorporating this provision at the beginning, the city will represent the best of who we are and what we want to be.

Ellen Hamilton

Leigh and Penny Tracy

Robert and Ann Rowland
