
No tax increase in sight for District 57

Dist. 57 and Supt. Aumiller just don’t get it. Too many Mt. Prospect residents have lost their jobs during this horrible recession (Depression to many of us). Homeowners, in large numbers, are being forced to abandon their homes and dreams at this time. For sale and foreclosed signs are up all over this once vibrant community. Many of us who remain are struggling to keep our heads above water.

Wages for those lucky enough to still have a job and those of us on Social Security or other fixed incomes can’t bear another tax increase. I have seen no news from the Dist. 57 superintendent and staff indicating that their salaries and benefits will be cut at this time to help ease the financial mess that they helped to create. I’m also sure that is not likely to happen. When they start giving back to this community, maybe we will be more responsive to their request for a tax increase.

Dist. 57 just paid $18,000 to a consulting firm to determine if a tax referendum at this time was feasible. This is just another example that there is too much of our tax monies at their disposal. This district was one of the best in the state before Aumiller and former Board President Leane were put in charge. Until Aumiller is replaced, this district will continue to tread water at the expense of our children. Any tax referendum now or in the foreseeable future is out of the question and will be fought vigorously by the taxpayers of Dist. 57.

Jerry Boldt

Mount Prospect

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